A New Year is upon us and with the new year comes resolutions for better diets and new workout routines. And these lofty resolutions are often accompanied by frustration and disappointment. We are perpetually overwhelmed with images and expectations from the media. It is easy to think you are not skinny enough, pretty enough, tall enough, curvy enough, sporty enough. On top of that, we are fed the idea that we can change it all in four weeks or just 30 minutes a day. I have news for you…It is not your body’s job to be perfect. Its role is to keep you alive. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle is about more than just diet and exercise to get you to a particular shape or size. It’s about deciding to have a healthy relationship with your mind, your soul, and your body.
Why bother trying? What’s the point?
You live your healthiest life when you take the time to feed your mind, body, and soul. It’s about taking the time to choose joy, mindfulness, and white space. It’s about feeding your mind the right thoughts as much as it is about feeding your body the proper nutrition. And this change can initially be challenging. Your mind and body will be tired as you challenge them. But in time, they will both grow stronger.
Why you can’t quit
So you only ran for five minutes today before you need to slow down and start walking? Good for you!
You laced up your shoes. Got your booty out the door. And you ran for five minutes!
And then you didn’t stop. You. Kept. Walking!
I’m proud of you! And if you DM me, I’ll celebrate with you. Here’s the deal. You need to stop being so unrealistic with yourself. You are going to have days when this all seems *so* hard, and your body isn’t always going to cooperate with you. So, do what you can and keep trying! You’re not going to be perfect.
If you sat down at a piano for the first time, I would not expect for you to play me Beethoven. And even if you practiced every day for the next three years, I would not expect that you would sit down and flawlessly bang out the Fifth Symphony.
You’ll probably make one or two mistakes.
It doesn’t mean you failed. It means you’re challenging yourself to get better. That’s fearless. That’s honorable. And that makes me love you!
Choosing a healthy lifestyle is about growing. And part of growing is learning to let go of the impossible standards regardless of where they came from {media, your parents, a spouse} and doing what you can today. You’ll get stronger. You’ll get faster. Your endurance will increase. Your relationship with and respect for your body will grow. And you will be healthier and happier because you kept going.
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