2018 was a big year for us. A *really* big year. We got engaged, bought a house, eloped in Santorini, Greece, visited a couple of new countries and settled into married life. I love everything about reminiscing about the year passed; the joy of the memories, the lessons learned in hard times and welcoming in all the potential of the year ahead.
But…there is that quiet lull after the holiday activities subside, where it’s easy to get into a slump. If you are in northern states, chances are it’s gray and cold. But it’s more than that. Scientists call it Hedonic Adaptation. Basically, the anticipation, excitement, and rush we felt during the holiday {or any significant life event; promotion, wedding, vacation} creates a new level of great happiness for us. When we return to daily living and our ‘baseline happy,’ it just doesn’t seem that exciting.
I have zero intention of kicking off 2019 on a meh note…so below are 3 easy action steps you can take to be happier in 2019.
1. Ask yourself what new projects or challenges could I take on at work, at the gym, and/or at home?
Admittedly, this is a twist on making resolutions. It’s just a bit more realistic approach. Taking on a challenge instead of setting a goal allows for the experimentation and potential failure without the disappointment. So instead of making a resolution to get a promotion in the next year, take on a project that displays a couple of things you learned at last year’s conference or on whatever blog you read on the regular.
Or instead of resolving to lose 15 pounds, challenge yourself to just try one different class at the gym. Finishing one full hour of barre class gives your bragging rights for at least a week!
2. What new venue can I try?
Trying something new gives our nucleus accumbens a jolt. The nucleaus accumbens is one of the ‘pleasure centers’ in the brain, areas that are excited when we experience rewarding stimuli. Instead of being on autopilot at your usual coffee shop, all of your senses will be rapid firing as you try to process new sights, smells, sounds, and delicious new latte options at a new java hut.
Before defaulting to the same old happy hour or brunch spot, try something new. Allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised by discovering a new hidden gem.
3. What new experience could I share with a friend or my significant other?
The effect of a new experience is doubly as good for you if you are with a friend or significant other. A study showed that couples that experienced something new together actually created a better bond. Good for your mood and your relationship?? We’ll take that!
We signed up for dance lessons before our wedding last year and laughed our way through that experience, so we’ve committed to going back for more lessons this year.
Again, while it’d be awesome if the ‘something new’ were an Instagram-worthy vacation to a new country, it doesn’t have to be that extravagant.
You know that hiking trail you’ve meant to check out? Next Saturday…Go see it! Never been to the aquarium in town? Why not go this evening?
This is the real key to happiness in 2019: Appreciate the experiences that are available to you right outside your front door and right under your nose.
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